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Below is the guidance for each of the 14 questions that make up the SiteWise annual assessment.

This guidance explains what our assessment team are looking for in each question. If you require further clarification, we recommend you attend one of the webinars above, where you can ask for guidance.

Please note that any evidence submitted in your assessment needs to be less than 12 months old.

Question 1 – Insurance

What insurance does your company hold?

 To show that you have adequate insurance in place for the type of work that you undertake.

Please provide the following evidence:

Copies of your current insurances, such as public liability, indemnity, vehicle, general business, or other appropriate for your business.

Evidence is required to show:

  • The sum insured.
  • Expiry dates. Expiry dates must be valid at the time of submission.

 All evidence must be within the expiry to obtain full marks.

 NB – To add insurances, select add insurance document then choose from the drop-down options and attach the relevant file.

Question 2 – H&S System

Please provide a copy of your company’s Health & Safety Policy, and Procedures

To show that you have a policy and procedures in place to manage the health and safety of your workplace or have certification of your health and safety management system to ISO 45001:2018.

Please provide one of the following evidence options:

A copy of your health & safety policy and procedures that relate to The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, OR a copy of current certification to ISO 45001:2018.

The procedures are those that make up your health and safety management system. If your management system is large, as a minimum, please submit the following procedures:

  • Worker engagement (not required for sole operators)
  • Hazard and risk management
  • Training and competency
  • Emergency management
  • Incident reporting and investigation
  • Hazardous substances (if applicable)
  • Contractor management (if applicable)

Your policy must be signed and dated within the last 24 months by an Officer of your Company. Your procedures must show that they have been reviewed within the last 24 months.

If you are submitting certification to ISO 45001:2018, please also submit the audit report. If this is sensitive information. Please provide evidence in questions 5, 10 and, 11 to show that they are in scope of the certification or select the N/A option.

Question 3 – Engagement

How often are health and safety meetings or briefings held?

 To show how often you engage with your workers regarding health and safety, as well as providing them a platform to participate in health and safety.

 To validate the frequency you have selected, please provide three consecutive examples of health and safety meetings.

Each example must be from within the last 12 months and include:

 Date the meeting was held.

  • Details of the health and safety topics discussed.
  • A record of workers that were present. If signatures cannot be obtained, please state this in your answer, with the reason why (for example – online meeting only).

 NB – If one of the required elements is not present in all examples, the score for the next option will be awarded (weekly to fortnightly).

NB – It is recommended that informal meetings (toolbox talks, pre-starts for example), contain worker signatures to show attendance.

NB – As the evidence provide in this question is often used as the communication component for questions 4 and 8, please ensure that some examples contain feedback to workers regarding incidents and workplace inspections.

Question 4 – Incidents

How do you record and investigate incidents and near misses?

 To show that you have a process in place to record and investigate incidents and near misses and discuss the outcomes of any investigations with your workers.

 Please provide the following evidence:

 A copy of your incident register with regular entries to show the history of reporting incidents and near misses for the last 12 months.

  • One example of a completed investigation
  • Evidence that shows incidents, near misses, and the outcomes of any investigations have been communicated to workers at meetings. This can include evidence that a safety alert (or similar) has been communicated to workers.

 If no incidents or near misses have been reported in the last 12 months, please provide one of the following options:

 A copy of your incident register with regular entries of no reporting, AND a completed investigation that is no older than 24 months, OR

  • A copy of your incident register with regular entries of no reporting, AND a minimum of two examples of meeting records that show discussion with workers regarding reporting requirements and/or the importance of reporting. This does not include just noting that no incidents or near misses have occurred.
  • Sole operators only – A completed incident register for the last 12 months that shows regular entries stating that no incidents or near misses have occurred.

 NB – The investigation example should show that an attempt has been made to determine what the root cause or root causes were that caused the event to happen. It should also show what preventative actions were carried out to minimise the likelihood of the same event occurring again.

Question 5 – Subcontractors

How do you manage the health and safety of sub-contractors/contractors that you engage or manage?

To show that you have a process in place to review and accept the health and safety process of sub-contractors that are engaged or managed by your company.

Please provide one of the following evidence options from within the last 12 months:

 A preferred sub-contractor/contractor list that shows regular updates and review (please note that this will only score 5 marks).

  • A preferred sub-contractor/contractor list that shows regular updates and, with supporting sub-contractor documentation.
  • A reviewed and signed-off health and safety policy and procedures.
  • A reviewed and signed-off workplace safety plan, such as a site-specific safety plan or similar.
  • A reviewed and signed-off methodology specific to a scope of work, such as a task analysis or similar.
  • Evidence of current independent prequalification (such as SiteWise, Impac, Totika, other).

If you engage labour-only sub-contractors, please provide evidence from within the last 12 months of:

  • A reviewed and signed-off check of their training and competency (or years of experience, AND
  • An example of current training (certificate or training card for example), AND
  • A completed induction, signed by both parties, OR evidence that they have signed to show they will be working under your health and safety systems.

NB – If you do not engage sub-contractors or have not engaged sub-contractors in the last 12 months, please select not applicable and provide a brief explanation.

Question 6 – Training

Are you and your workers trained and competent for all aspects of the work you carry out?

To show that all workers are trained and assessed as competent (by you as the PCBU) to perform the work being undertaken. This should include evidence that some of your workers (more than one) have undertaken health and safety and higher-level learning. Higher-level learning includes NZQA unit standards level 3 and above, training recommended by codes of practice, driver license endorsements, trade, or other qualifications.

Please provide the following evidence:

  • A copy of your training and competency register that shows evidence of refresher training and a measure of competency or years of experience, AND
  • A couple of examples of current training (certificates, training ID cards, certifying licenses for example). This must include at least one example of current higher-level learning.
Question 7 – Hazards & Risk

How do you record hazards and risks in your workplace?

 To show how you record hazards and assess their risk in your workplace.

 Please provide a copy of your master risk register that includes the following elements:

 The hazards that have been identified in your workplace (this includes all areas where work is undertaken).

  • Initial risk assessment (before controls have been implemented) for each hazard.
  • Residual risk assessment (after controls have been implemented) for each hazard.
  • Mitigation controls for each hazard.
  • Evidence that the register has been reviewed within the last 24

 NB – If your master register is part of a site-specific safety plan or similar, please clarify this in your answer.

Question 8 – Inspections

What workplace inspections do you carry out?

To show that you, as the PCBU are monitoring conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing injury or illness, and the results of these are communicated back to your workers.

Please provide the following evidence:

  • A minimum of three examples of health and safety-related inspections of the workplace. These must have been conducted within the last 12 These must also chow completion of any required corrective actions, AND
  • Evidence that the results of the inspections are communicated back to your workers as part of a meeting or allocation of corrective actions. This can also include when no corrective actions have been required.

NB – Workplaces can include offices, workshops, warehouses, vehicles, mobile plant, or any other area where work is carried out.

Question 9 – High Risk Work

How do you plan for and manage high-risk or notifiable work?

To show that you have a process in place to manage the hazards and risks associated with any high-risk or notifiable work undertaken, and that works are involved in this process.

If you carry out both of the above, please only submit evidence for one of the options.

If you carry out high-risk work that is NOT notifiable to WorkSafe, please provide the following:

  • One methodology that shows how the work will be carried out.
  • Evidence of how the methodology was communicated to and accepted by workers carrying out the work. This can include sign-off by workers or evidence that the methodology was discussed at a meeting. Both will require actual or time/date-stamped signatures.
  • Evidence that those carrying out the work are trained and competent to do so.

If you carry out high-risk work that IS notifiable to WorkSafe, please provide the following:

  • One methodology that shows how the work will be carried out.
  • Evidence of how the methodology was communicated to and accepted by workers carrying out the work. This can include sign-off by workers or evidence that the methodology was discussed at a meeting. Both will require actual or time/date-stamped signatures.
  • Evidence that those carrying out the work are trained and competent to do so.
  • A copy of the notification to WorkSafe.

NB – If high-risk or notifiable work is not undertaken by your company, please select not applicable. If you choose this option, please note that the evidence submitted in Q7 will be reviewed to confirm this.


Question 10 – Health Checks

How do you monitor the health of worker who are, or may have been exposed to workplace health hazards?

To determine if workers are experiencing health effects from potential workplace exposures. Health monitoring can also confirm that control measure are preventing harm.

You will need to know if any health hazards exceed the workplace exposure/biological exposure indices. (standards).

NB – If you believe that the standards are not exceeded, please provide an in-depth risk assessment that has been completed by a suitably qualified person (Occupational Hygienist). Also, if you chose not applicable your evidence in Q7 will be reviewed to confirm this.

Please provide any of the following evidence:

  • A report, letter or document from a health monitoring provider that shows pre-employment (baseline) and/or regular testing has been carried out. If the evidence states that the testing is baseline only, it will be marked as such.
  • Reports, letters or documents from two occurrences of testing (this will be dependent on your monitoring frequency) from a health monitoring provider.

NB– Names of personnel tested can be redacted for privacy reasons.

NB – If invoices are being submitted, they must clearly show what health monitoring has been carried out (hearing, lung functions for example).

NB – If you are submitting a booking confirmation only, please select the ‘other’ option.

NB – If you are a Sole Operator, the not applicable option can be selected.

NB – As a PCBU, if you require your works to use respiratory protective equipment (RPE), you must ensure that the RPE is fitted correctly for each worker by conducting fir testing. This ensures that workers are wearing proper fitting RPE. Although fit testing is required, please note that it IS NOT health monitoring, and does not need to be submitted as evidence for this question.

Question 11 – Substances

To show that you effectively manage the hazardous substances that you use or store in your workplace.

Please provide the following evidence:

• A copy of your hazardous substances inventory that shows review within the last 12 months.
• A couple of examples of current safety data sheets (no older than 5 years).
• Evidence that you have procedures in place for hazardous substances (SOP, task analysis or similar).
• Evidence that workers have relevant training for hazardous substances (could include formal or informal training).

NB – Please note that safety data sheets should be NZ versions where possible.
NB – If you select not applicable, your evidence submitted in Q7 will be reviewed to confirm this.
NB – Please note that the regulations require specific information to be recorded in an inventory. Not including all the elements may result in a lowered score. Please refer to the following link for what is required – here.

To find a Hazardous Substances Register Inventory template click here.

Please see here for a video tutorial.

Question 12 – Mental Health

How does your company ensure a mentally healthy workplace?

To show that you, as the PCBU manage the psychosocial risks to ensure a mentally healthy workplace.

Do you have a policy or procedure that describes how a mentally healthy workplace is managed?

NB – If you are a sole operator, please select not applicable.

NB – This is a non-scoring question, therefore will not affect your final score.

Question 13 - Environment

How does your company manage environmental sustainability?

To show that you have a policy or procedure in place for environmental management (sustainability).

Do you have a policy or procedure that describes environmental sustainability is managed?

NB – This is a non-scoring question, therefore will not affect your final score.

Question 14 - Prosecutions

Has your company been investigated by WorkSafe NZ, Civil Aviation, or Maritime NZ in the last 5 years?

If yes, please provide evidence of the investigation. (Optional)

NB – Improvement notices are not investigations.

Please click here for the video tutorial.

These tutorials are to be used as a guide. Please ensure you refer to the written guidance within the assessment questionnaire when uploading evidence.