SiteWise Gold

All contractors who sign up to the SiteWise system complete an annual health and safety assessment with the goal of achieving SiteWise Green or Gold status.

A gold grading in SiteWise means you’ve achieved a grade of 90% or above on your annual assessment.

Getting to gold means:
  • You have demonstrated that you have high quality health and safety systems in place.
  • You’ll be listed as a gold business in the database that shows to all principals that use SiteWise as a prequalification tool.
  • In addition to your electronic report you’ll also receive an electronic certificate detailing your gold grading for you to display in your business.
  • You’ll also receive an electronic SiteWise Gold badge, with a date stamp that you can use on your promotional material such as email signatures or tender documents.

SiteWise Gold Resources

Certificate and logo file


SiteWise Gold stickers are now available on request, please email the team or call 021 717 586 to organise these.

Need help getting to gold?

If you need any help with the assessment, then visit our assessment help centre for more details on each of the questions and how you can achieve a great score.

If you don’t get the score you’d like in your first attempt then you can always upload more evidence and try again – if it’s your first year using the system then a total of three assessment attempts are included in your introductory price.

We also run regular SiteWise webinars that take you through the process of getting to green or gold. Check them out here.

All set?

Registration is easy, and you can pay online. Visit our registration page to get started.